BML Announcement

To: BML Fellows
From: Dr. Richard Pieters, President, Board of Trustees
Subject: Update on the BML Transition
Date: June 2024
Dear Fellows of the Boston Medical Library,
In March of 2022, the BML announced several major and significant changes designed to reshape our future. We are now actively implementing these changes, which continue at their core to support our dual mission of service to practicing health care professionals and stewardship of medical history.
As noted in the 2022 announcement, the BML has established an alliance with the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. Chan will provide library services to Fellows and members of the Massachusetts Medical Society, while offering those fellows and members access to UMass Chan’s resources. BML has also temporarily relocated its offices to the UMass South Street Campus in Shrewsbury.
The BML’s collaboration with the Internet Archive will lead to the digitization of of our circulation collection and open-stack journals, which will eventually be available worldwide, free of charge to users. The Internet Archive, a non-profit, global online public library, is transforming the dissemination of information, using technology to provide universal access to a wide variety of printed materials, while guaranteeing preservation of the originals. Through this donation to Internet Archive, the BML will dramatically expand its reach and availability of its materials to future generations, globally.
The BML is undertaking an extensive review and inventory of its remaining collections which consists primarily of rare books, medical artifacts, paintings, and other visual materials.
We have achieved a great deal during the last two years and will update our members as our progress continues.
Dr. Richard Pieters, President